We support Basketball

Play our online raffle... and keep your local team shooting for the hoop!

Whether you’re from Harlem or Harlech, there’s no better feeling than beating the buzzer with a last-second swish.

Trouble is, when the game is done, you still have to jump through hoops, just to find the money to keep your club alive – and flying.

That’s why so many basketball clubs raise their funds through us. Our online raffle keeps money flowing in, without the hassle of running one funding drive after another.

Even a small club can raise hundreds extra, every month without fail. It all mounts up, to pay for coaching, kit, equipment, access – or just running costs.

We’re just starting out in basketball, with our first clubs coming on board soon. Keep an eye out for updates.

Share it with your committee

If you can see the potential for your club, don't keep us a secret.

Check out our fundraising page, and share it with your committee. They can sign up right there on the page, or book us in for a presentation.

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